Runtime - 1 h 36 Min;
creator - Neil Cuthbert;
Star - Sarah Jessica Parker;
User rating - 7,5 of 10;
genres - Family;
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Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site play. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site hd. OMG this movie was like nails on a chalkboard to sit through. Of course the 3 witches were mildly entertaining bc the actresses that play them are top rate but the rest of it was so so so bad and cheesy. I can't believe the user reviews are so high on this movie. Phew 1.5 hours of my life I'll never get back. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site online.
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Watch Movie Hocus Pocus [1993] Online free satellite. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site watch. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site website. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site download. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site streaming. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site. Watch Movie Hocus Pocus [1993] Online Free site officiel. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site torrent. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site videos. It's not just nostalgia. This movie is well crafted. Funny and endearing. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site full. Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site free. Online HOCUS POCUS Watch"Hocus"Pocus"Online"Thevideo Watch Hocus Pocus Online IMDB. FULL MOVIE [2020] IN ENGLISH WITH SUBTITLES...
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Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site movies
Watch movie hocus pocus 1993 online free site game. What should have been one of the coolest movies of 1993 gets drug down by inept dialogue and over-usage of special effects. Portraying three witches (Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy) coming back to life after 300 years to take revenge on Salem, Massachusetts, Hocus Pocus" makes you roll your eyes. Just how did the usually dependable Bette Midler get involved in this swill? And by the 1990s, wasn't it more chic to portray witches as good (ever since "Bewitched. br> And one more thing: how could Omri Katz go from something as cool as "Matinee" to this? Oh well. At least most of the people involved in it have done good things since (namely Thora Birch. But seriously folks, why waste your time on this junk when there are so many good movies out there? The title should be "Hokey Pocus.